Aluminum   $ 2.2760 kg        |         Cobalt   $ 26.625 kg        |         Copper   $ 9.0438 kg        |         Gallium   $ 329.01 kg        |         Gold   $ 75748.77 kg        |         Indium   $ 419.06 kg        |         Iridium   $ 151912.28 kg        |         Iron Ore   $ 0.1075 kg        |         Lead   $ 2.0385 kg        |         Lithium   $ 11.844 kg        |         Molybdenum   $ 66.495 kg        |         Neodymium   $ 63.378 kg        |         Nickel   $ 15.817 kg        |         Palladium   $ 28501.64 kg        |         Platinum   $ 30025.58 kg        |         Rhodium   $ 149500.97 kg        |         Ruthenium   $ 13181.81 kg        |         Silver   $ 894.47 kg        |         Steel Rebar   $ 0.4344 kg        |         Tellurium   $ 106.67 kg        |         Tin   $ 29.790 kg        |         Uranium   $ 182.43 kg        |         Zinc   $ 2.6910 kg        |         
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In Kazakhstan, two mineral deposits will be developed. In the Karaganda region, two projects are being implemented where 300 jobs will be created.

The first project is the development of a coal mining quarry at the Saryozen deposit, with an estimated cost of 889 million tenge and a capacity of 83 million tons. It is expected to provide 180 jobs.

The second project involves the extraction of manganese ores at the Oypat deposit, with a launch cost of 1.5 billion tenge. The plant’s capacity will reach 450,000 tons of ore per year, which is expected to be achieved next year. The project is expected to create 120 jobs.