Aluminum   $ 2.2760 kg        |         Cobalt   $ 26.625 kg        |         Copper   $ 9.0438 kg        |         Gallium   $ 329.01 kg        |         Gold   $ 75748.77 kg        |         Indium   $ 419.06 kg        |         Iridium   $ 151912.28 kg        |         Iron Ore   $ 0.1075 kg        |         Lead   $ 2.0385 kg        |         Lithium   $ 11.844 kg        |         Molybdenum   $ 66.495 kg        |         Neodymium   $ 63.378 kg        |         Nickel   $ 15.817 kg        |         Palladium   $ 28501.64 kg        |         Platinum   $ 30025.58 kg        |         Rhodium   $ 149500.97 kg        |         Ruthenium   $ 13181.81 kg        |         Silver   $ 894.47 kg        |         Steel Rebar   $ 0.4344 kg        |         Tellurium   $ 106.67 kg        |         Tin   $ 29.790 kg        |         Uranium   $ 182.43 kg        |         Zinc   $ 2.6910 kg        |         
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The exploration of the Kolmozero deposit of rare metals is being completed in the Kola Peninsula in Russia. As a result, the country will become one of the three leaders in lithium reserves, a strategically important element for modern industry.

Simultaneously, Russia has achieved a significant milestone by completing the development of a technology that allows the extraction of lithium from pegmatites with an impressive yield of 98%. This breakthrough in extraction technology enhances Russia’s capabilities in lithium production.

Speaking on 28 December 2023, Russia’s Natural Resource Minister Alexander Kozlov told the  Interfax News Agency that Russia will retain its leading position in the world in gas and gold reserves, and for scarce mineral types such as tungsten, lithium, uranium and rare earth metals.