Aluminum   $ 2.1505 kg        |         Cobalt   $ 33.420 kg        |         Copper   $ 8.2940 kg        |         Gallium   $ 222.80 kg        |         Gold   $ 61736.51 kg        |         Indium   $ 284.50 kg        |         Iridium   $ 144678.36 kg        |         Iron Ore   $ 0.1083 kg        |         Lead   $ 2.1718 kg        |         Lithium   $ 29.821 kg        |         Molybdenum   $ 58.750 kg        |         Neodymium   $ 82.608 kg        |         Nickel   $ 20.616 kg        |         Palladium   $ 40303.53 kg        |         Platinum   $ 30972.89 kg        |         Rhodium   $ 131818.06 kg        |         Ruthenium   $ 14950.10 kg        |         Silver   $ 778.87 kg        |         Steel Rebar   $ 0.5063 kg        |         Tellurium   $ 73.354 kg        |         Tin   $ 25.497 kg        |         Uranium   $ 128.42 kg        |         Zinc   $ 2.3825 kg        |         
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All the export deliveries of titanium raw materials by the United Mining and Chemical Company since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion have been to the end users in the USA and are used only for chemical processing, and not in the military complex.

According to the State Property Funs, there is a number of factors preventing the export of titanium raw materials to the aggressor state, namely a three-level internal audit of contract terms and a counterparty, made by the UMCC itself, checking the contract terms and the counterparty by the Fund, obtaining the license to export ilmenite concentrate from the State Export Control Service and personal control in the destination place by authorised persons. Moreover, all contracts prohibit reselling the raw materials and there are strict sanctions for their breach.

“You won’t believe how many procedures the UMCC has to go through when getting a contract. Thus, thinking that the Fund or other state institutions close their eyes and don’t see where the products are going is infantile,” the SPF deputy chairman Olexander Fedorishin has said. (Ukrainian metal)