Aluminum   $ 2.1505 kg        |         Cobalt   $ 33.420 kg        |         Copper   $ 8.2940 kg        |         Gallium   $ 222.80 kg        |         Gold   $ 61736.51 kg        |         Indium   $ 284.50 kg        |         Iridium   $ 144678.36 kg        |         Iron Ore   $ 0.1083 kg        |         Lead   $ 2.1718 kg        |         Lithium   $ 29.821 kg        |         Molybdenum   $ 58.750 kg        |         Neodymium   $ 82.608 kg        |         Nickel   $ 20.616 kg        |         Palladium   $ 40303.53 kg        |         Platinum   $ 30972.89 kg        |         Rhodium   $ 131818.06 kg        |         Ruthenium   $ 14950.10 kg        |         Silver   $ 778.87 kg        |         Steel Rebar   $ 0.5063 kg        |         Tellurium   $ 73.354 kg        |         Tin   $ 25.497 kg        |         Uranium   $ 128.42 kg        |         Zinc   $ 2.3825 kg        |         

Data+ International

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  • Kazakhstan

Data+ International

Since 1992, Data+ International has been implementing and distributing ArcGIS geographic information systems and is the official distributor of Esri in the CIS countries. Organizations in the geological industry were the first users of ArcGIS in the post-Soviet space, recognizing the advantages of GIS in their work. The largest mining enterprises in Kazakhstan use ArcGIS in their activities: for creating databases of geological exploration, supporting geological and surveying work, managing enterprise property and land resources, as well as in environmental and industrial safety issues - where accurate data on the ground, interactive maps, geoportals, three-dimensional models, and modeling of various processes in a geographic context are essential.

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