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Pre-registration ends on 31 March 

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Delegate invoice is generated automatically on completion of the registration form and emailed to the user’s address. Please check your spam in case you have not received the invoice or contact the forum secretariat

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Bank transfer in USD, EUR or GBP to the UK registered company Advantix Ltd. Credit card payments via Stripe. Participants who did not register in advance can register on the day and pay the fee by credit card on the event website prior to admission to the forum (payment will be possible by credit card through Stripe or by cash).

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Organisers reserve the right to refuse entry to participants who have failed to pay the fee prior to the Forum. Replacement or cancellation: Delegate  substitution can be made at any time. All cancellations submitted in writing to 15 calendar days before the event will be subject to 15% administration fee. No refunds will be made if cancellations are submitted less than 15 calendar days before the event. At the discretion of the organisers a credit note can be issued in case of cancellation received less than 15 calendar days before the event.

[/single_tab][single_tab icon=”Defaults-book” title=”Travel advice” tab_id=”1644840468804-11644844409490″]

To enter the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreign citizens require a visa, a PCR test and permission from the Interdepartmental Commission. Citizens of 57 countries do not require visas and permits. Foreign citizens must complete a “Notification of the foreigner staying” on the Visa-migration portal of the Republic of Kazakhstan within 3 working days of their arrival. Read more

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Check special rates offered at the Raddison Astana and Park Inn Hotel. Read more 

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In the event of a worsening epidemiological situation and / or tightening of the rules for holding mass events in Nur-Sultan or for any other reason beyond our control, we reserve the right to transfer the Forum and the Exhibition completely to the online format with compensation for the difference between the cost of offline and online participation. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the organisers are not responsible for any loss, delay, damage, or other consequences that occur as a result of or in connection with any cancellation, or any change in the date and / or location of the Event.


London, United Kingdom

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