No more than 10% of foreigners can be attracted by Kazgeology under a contract with the government, the Ministry of Industry and Construction reports.
“When conducting reconnaissance operations, give preference to Kazakh personnel. At the same time, the attraction of Kazakhstani personnel as a percentage of the total number of personnel involved in work, including personnel engaged in contract and subcontract work, should be 90% for management personnel, 90% for specialists with higher and secondary vocational education and 100% for qualified workers” during all six years of exploration,” says the contract concluded for the exploration of non-ferrous and precious metals in the Bezshokinskaya area in the Karaganda region between the authorities and the national geological exploration company “Kazgeology” in 2015, presented by the Ministry of Railways.
According to the information, the amount of local content under the contract during exploration provides for 16% in relation to goods, 85% for works and 85% for services, also for all six years of exploration.
“In the absence of information on the prices of minerals used by the subsoil user when making transactions, prices are applied that do not exceed the transaction prices prevailing on world markets for the acquisition of minerals by states,” the contract says.
The Ministry of Industry and Construction published 13 contracts, including with such enterprises as Kazakhmys and Kazminerals.