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Industry competitions organised alongside the Forum are open for Kazakhstani and foreign companies.


The digitalisation of industrial production is one of the priorities of Kazakhstan’s economic development. According to official estimates, the digitalisation of mining production can increase the efficiency of almost all enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry by 10-15 per cent and reduce the cost of mining and transportation operations. At small and medium-sized enterprises, this potential is up to 50% or more. Many enterprises in the mining and metallurgical industry have already formed a digital transformation strategy.

For the second time, the organisers of the Forum are holding a competition of technologies for the digital transformation of mining and metallurgical enterprises – MineDigital. The competition is organised for companies who provide solutions for the digitalisation and automation of production processes in the mining and metals sectors ranging from the creation of digital cores to the construction of digital mine twins.

Kazakhstan is among the top ten mineral-rich countries in the world. To date, more than 8 thousand deposits have been registered on the state balance of minerals of the country. Of these, 910 are deposits of metals and minerals. However, with the current intensive production, the country is close to the depletion of resources at many operating mines.  To intensify the reproduction of the mineral resource base in Kazakhstan, favourable conditions are being created.  At the same time, an audit of subsoil use licenses and an assessment of their contribution to economic and social development are carried out. As a result, the state plans to attract new investors to the development of mineral resources. The growth of foreign investment in the mining industry in 2022 amounted to 18.3%.

MineInvest – mining investment projects competition has returned to the Forum in a new format.

The purpose of the competition is to present to a wide international audience the Forum promising projects for the development of mineral deposits.

Project owners benefit from receiving feedback and advice from a professional investment panel and enhance visibility to stimulate the engagement of potential investors and partners from Kazakhstan and abroad.   Geological exploration companies, as well as large producers actively exploring projects for the reproduction of mineral resources in Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia, are invited to participate in the competition as contenders.


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