Aluminum   $ 2.1505 kg        |         Cobalt   $ 33.420 kg        |         Copper   $ 8.2940 kg        |         Gallium   $ 222.80 kg        |         Gold   $ 61736.51 kg        |         Indium   $ 284.50 kg        |         Iridium   $ 144678.36 kg        |         Iron Ore   $ 0.1083 kg        |         Lead   $ 2.1718 kg        |         Lithium   $ 29.821 kg        |         Molybdenum   $ 58.750 kg        |         Neodymium   $ 82.608 kg        |         Nickel   $ 20.616 kg        |         Palladium   $ 40303.53 kg        |         Platinum   $ 30972.89 kg        |         Rhodium   $ 131818.06 kg        |         Ruthenium   $ 14950.10 kg        |         Silver   $ 778.87 kg        |         Steel Rebar   $ 0.5063 kg        |         Tellurium   $ 73.354 kg        |         Tin   $ 25.497 kg        |         Uranium   $ 128.42 kg        |         Zinc   $ 2.3825 kg        |         
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The national project connected to the Trenčín self-governing region, aimed at assisting the people of the Nitra region affected by the planned termination of coal mining, has achieved remarkable success with a record number of individuals participating in retraining programs. This initiative has provided a lifeline to employees of the Nováky power plant, who are now actively seeking new employment opportunities. Towards the end of last year, the miners of Horní Nitra extracted the final tonne of brown coal in Slovakia. Simultaneously, the Nováky power plant ceased all coal-based electricity and heat production. This abrupt shift resulted in the loss of hundreds of jobs. However, many affected individuals seized the opportunity to explore new career paths through retraining programs. The increasing enrollment in the Employability Support in the Horní Nitra Region project can be attributed to the efforts of experienced tutors operating from the newly established premises of t
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