Over the past 5 years, about 409 million somoni or $ 82.8 million of investments have been attracted to the mining industry: to whom do they go?
The mining industry of Tajikistan, which in the Soviet years served as a raw material base for the processing industry of other regions, is today focused on meeting the needs of its own economy.
The share of mining in the total production of the country is 26%.

Zarafshon LLC is owned by the Government of Tajikistan in conjunction with the “Zijin” Mining Company. Tajikistan has a share of 30%, China – 70%. One of the largest enterprises of the country’s gold mining industry, which has an almost completed technological cycle: mining, processing and metallurgy – refining gold to produce finished gold bars.

The new gold mining company in Tajikistan, Pakrut LLC (Vahdat), which is 100% owned by a Chinese company in China Nonferrous Gold Limited, began the extraction of gold from concentrate in 2016.

A joint Tajik-Canadian enterprise Aprelevka is located in the north of Tajikistan in the village of Kansai, Sughd region.
Until 1985, lead-zinc ore was mined here, then the Kairakkum gold mine was organized on the basis of gold deposits, and in 1995, the Aprelevka joint venture was established.

It was created in 1970 on the basis of the Karamazar mine, later, in 1994 it was renamed the Adrasman mining and processing complex.
The plant specializes in the mining and processing of silver lead ores to produce lead concentrate.

Anzob Mining Camp (now a joint Tajik-American limited liability company) is located in the Sughd region on the northern slope of the Gissar Range of Central Tajikistan. It specializes in underground mining and processing of ores with the release of mercury-antimony concentrate.
The design capacity of the enterprise is 700 thousand tons of ore per year with the production of more than 30 thousand tons of mercury-antimony concentrate. Actual ore mining and processing capacity averages 350 thousand tons per year.
Подробнее: https://asiaplustj.info/ru/node/271604